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What is Life ADA?

The Life ADA project aims to achieve concrete objectives in terms of resilience to climate change in 3 agrifood chains: dairy (Parmigiano-Reggiano), wine production, and fruit and vegetables.

In particular, LIFE ADA aims to:


Transfer knowledge on climate scenarios together with risk management and adaptive measures to improve farmers’ skills in addressing current and future climate risks


Build proper tools to support the decision-making process in outlining efficient adaptation plans at farm and supply-chain level


Define a coherent political strategy at a regional level to support adaptive planning by farmers


Promote an innovative approach for insurers to strengthen the ability to reduce risk and guarantee the insurability of farmers in the long term, despite the increase in catastrophic and systemic risks

The successful achievement of the project goals will also depend on the implementation of an innovative public-private partnership model between insurance companies, public administration (regions), technical and scientific institutions, NGOs, and producers’ organisations (Joint Bodies for Innovation or cooperatives).

The project will be implemented on an experimental basis in Emilia-Romagna then replicated in Veneto, Tuscany and Lazio, thus increasing the number of farmers involved.

The project was launched in September 2020 and will conclude in December 2023, lasting 40 months.  

The total budget of Life ADA is € 1,975,000, of which € 1,084,004 funded by the European Commission.