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Be part of the change.
ADAthon, Life ADA’s hackathon to help Italian players of the fruit and vegetable, wine production and dairy industries.

June 22nd-23rd


24 hours time

15 participants divided into 5 teams

3 winning teams

On June 22nd-23rd, the first hackathon of Life ADA – ADaptation in Agriculture was held in Bologna at CUBO, the Unipol Group corporate museum.

15 participants were divided into five groups and got down to work to design an innovative solution to help stakeholders of fruit & vegetable, wine production and dairy sectors to prevent and tackle negative effects of climate change through technology.

The ADAthon was organised by Leithà – a company of the Unipol Group – with the support of UnipolSai Assicurazioni, both partners in ADA project.

Here are the winners:

First place


Sveva Moroni, Michele Ricci and Giovanni Turri created the ADAfield prototype: supporting the adoption of agroforestry techniques to improve crop yields.

Second place


The ERPICE prototype by Gianmarco Casanova is a bot that evaluates and prevents risk quickly and easily.

Third place


CLEVERFarm, the app by Alessandra Somma, Nicola D’Alberton and Andrea Pigliapoco provides agronomic, energy and irrigation advice.
