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ADAptation actions

Use of slurry with eco-sustainable practices (injected into the ground)


The use of slurry in agricultural terrain is highly important from the standpoint of a circular economy and therefore the use of all resources available, reducing waste to a minimum. Slurry used directly in the field is injected into the ground in accordance with the dictates from the most recent studies in order to avoid creating any environmental problems. If the slurry is used properly, it helps enrich (even if not in a very stable form) carbon in the soil and provide humidity to the terrain. Distribution of the slurry associated with amendments is suggested to favour the absorption of nutrients.


Supply chain:

Dairy products (Parmigiano-Reggiano), Fruit and vegetables

Climate risk:


Action area:

Soil, Water

Mitigating action:


Technical level:


Applicable farm size:

Small, large

Effectiveness with respect to:


Time frame of the action:

(Referring to the effectiveness of the action from an economic, agronomic and environmental point of view)

Short-term: 1 year or crop cycle